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Making TidierPlots.jl

If you're unfamiliar, TidierPlots is my attempt to build a more modern-feeling, 100% julia version of the popular R data visualization package ggplot2. This is my first julia package, and I have already made quite a few mistakes in developing it. This series of posts will walk through my experience of transforming a script into a package, the problems I've had, and the solutions I've come up with so far.

Version 1

To start, I want to show you the basic idea of the package, as it existed when I first wrote out the original script. The 100-or-so lines of julia I had were enough to get something like a minimal working example going:

test_plot = @ggplot(data = penguins, aes(color = species)) +
    @geom_point(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) +
    @geom_smooth(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm),
        method = "lm")


At the risk of over-explaining, lets look at what is happening here. First, the @ggplot call is calling this code to create a ggplot:

struct ggplot

function extract_aes(geom)
    aes_dict = Dict{String, Symbol}()
    args_dict = Dict{String, Any}()

    for section in geom
        if section isa Expr
            # if the section is an expression
            # check if it is a aes function call
            if section.args[1] == :aes
                for aes_ex in section.args
                    if aes_ex isa Expr
                        aes_dict[String(aes_ex.args[1])] = aes_ex.args[2]
            # if not, its a generic argument
                args_dict[String(section.args[1])] = section.args[2]

    return (aes_dict, args_dict)

macro ggplot(exprs...)
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))

    haskey(args_dict, "height") ?
        height = args_dict["height"] :
        height = 400

    haskey(args_dict, "width") ?
        width = args_dict["width"] :
        width = 600

    haskey(args_dict, "data") ?
        plot_data = args_dict["data"] :
        plot_data = nothing

    ggplot([], aes_dict,
            AlgebraOfGraphics.data(Base.eval(Main, plot_data)),
            (height = height, width = width))

In a diagram, what's going on is this:

│ @ggplot |(data = penguins, aes(color = species)) │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     └───| aes_dict: "color" => "species"          │
         │ args_dict: "data" => "penguins"         │
         │            "height" => 400              │
         │            "width" => 600               │
                             │ returns
          ggplot object      │
         | geoms = []  # empty, currently          │
         │ default_aes: "color" => "species"       │
         │ plot_data: penguins                     │
         │ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)       │

The extract_aes function pulls the arguments into a dictionary, combines them with defaults as appropriate, and the @ggplot macro finally returns a ggplot object.

Similar code creates geom objects:

struct geom
    visual::Union{Symbol, Nothing}

macro geom_point(exprs...)
    geom_visual = :Scatter
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))
    analysis = nothing
    required_aes = ["x", "y"]
    return geom(geom_visual, aes_dict, args_dict, nothing, required_aes)
│ @geom_point | (aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | aes_dict: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       │
     │    │           "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        │
     │    └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
     │                        │
     │                        │ returns
     │     geom_point_object  │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | visual = :Scatter                       │
     │    │ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"            │
     │    │      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"             │
     └─── │ args: Dict()                            │
          │ analysis: nothing                       │
          │ required_aes: ["x", "y"]                │
macro geom_smooth(exprs...)
    geom_visual = nothing
    aes_dict, args_dict = extract_aes(:($(exprs)))
    analysis = AlgebraOfGraphics.smooth
    required_aes = ["x", "y"]
    if haskey(args_dict, "method")
        if args_dict["method"] == "lm"
            analysis = AlgebraOfGraphics.linear
    return geom(geom_visual, aes_dict, args_dict, analysis, required_aes)
│ @geom_smooth | (aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm),│
│              │ method = "lm")                              │
     │                       │
     │ defaults              │ extract_aes
     │                       │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | aes_dict: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       │
     │    │           "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        │
     │    │ args_dict: "method" => "lm"             │
     │    └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
     │                        │
     │                        │ returns
     │     geom_smooth_object │
     │    ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │    | visual = nothing                        │
     │    │ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"            │
     │    │      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"             │
     └─── │ args: "method" => "lm"                  │
          │ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear      │
          │ required_aes: ["x", "y"]                │

The extract_aes function pulls the arguments into a dictionary, combines them with defaults as appropriate, and the @geom_* macro finally returns a geom object.

With our objects created, we need a method to combine them. The following method to adds things to a ggplot, which essentially just adds any geom to an internal array inside the ggplot:

function Base.:+(x::ggplot, y...)::ggplot
    result = ggplot(vcat(x.geoms, [i for i in y]),

    return result

The result of our addition is something like this:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing                  ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

In order to actually plot this object, I needed a way to convert the geom objects into AlgebraOfGraphics Layer objects:

function geom_to_layer(geom)
    mapping_args = (geom.aes[key] for key in geom.required_aes)

    layer = data(eval(geom.args["data"])) *

    if !isnothing(geom.analysis)
        layer = layer * (geom.analysis)()

    if !isnothing(geom.visual)
        layer = layer * visual(eval(geom.visual))

    if haskey(geom.aes, "color")
        layer = layer * mapping(color = geom.aes["color"])

    return layer

And finally, some basic inheritance rules to make it work the way ggplot does:

function draw_ggplot(plot::ggplot)
    for geom in plot.geoms
        # if data is not specified at the geom level
        #  use the ggplot default
        if !haskey(geom.args, "data")
            geom.args["data"] = plot.data

        # if an aes isn't given in the geom, use the ggplot aes
        for aes in keys(plot.default_aes)
            if !haskey(geom.aes, aes)
                geom.aes[aes] = plot.default_aes[aes]

    layers = []

    for geom in plot.geoms
        push!(layers, geom_to_layer(geom))

    if length(layers) == 0
        error("No geoms supplied")
    elseif length(layers) == 1
        draw(layers[1]; axis = plot.axis)
        draw((+)(layers...); axis = plot.axis)

Algebra of Graphics plots need four parts: Visual, Analysis, Data, and Mapping. Each required part is extracted preferentially from the geom, and from the ggplot if it isn't present. Mapping is constructed by passing the "required_aes" in order as positional arguments, and non-required aes as keyword arguments.

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm" ──────┼┼─┬── mapping(:bill_length_mm,
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"  ──────┼┼─┤           :bill_depth_mm;
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││ │           color = :species)
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││ │
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]     ──────┼┼─┤
│└────────────────────────────────────┘│ │
│┌────────────────────────────────────┐│ │
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││ │
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││ │
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││ │
││ args: Dict()                       ││ │
││ analysis: nothing                  ││ │
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││ │
│└────────────────────────────────────┘│ │
│                                      │ │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species" ───┼─┘
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

Data comes from the "data" value in the geom's arg dict if available (it's not), and from plot_data in the ggplot otherwise:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing                   ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter                  ││
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing                  ││
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins ─────────────────┼─ data(penguins)
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

Visual and Analysis always come from the geom:

ggplot object
| geoms =                              │
│| visual = nothing ──────────────────┼┼─ no visual
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: "method" => "lm"             ││
││ analysis: AlgebraOfGraphics.linear ┼┼─ linear()
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│| visual = :Scatter ─────────────────┼┼─ visual(:Scatter)
││ aes: "x" => "bill_length_mm"       ││
││      "y" => "bill_depth_mm"        ││
││ args: Dict()                       ││
││ analysis: nothing ─────────────────┼┼─ no analysis
││ required_aes: ["x", "y"]           ││
│                                      │
│ default_aes: "color" => "species"    │
│ plot_data: penguins                  │
│ axis: (height = 400, width = 600)    │

So this all translates to the AoG code:

data(penguins) *
  visual(:Scatter) *
  mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm; color = :species) +
data(penguins) *
  linear() *
  mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm; color = :species) |>
  draw(axis = (height = 400, width = 600))

Which produces the plot! At this point, I was convinced that this was going to be easy, and I pushed essentially this code plus a PkgTemplates skeleton to a repo as version 0.1.0. How hard could this really be?

MIT License Randy Boyes. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language. Design inspired by The Monospace Web.